Is it a CMS, ERP, POS, or some other acronym that makes you go "you said what?"

Well, you're in the right place to find out!

Check out this YouTube video to discover what Bitrix24 CRM really is and why it's a game-changer for your business.

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The key to productive workflow is streamlining.

Kanban literally translates to “signboard and is a Japanese term for “visual signalization.” The method implements a visual representation of a team’s tasks and goals, with the ultimate goal of improving workflow and delivery time.

The first Kanban system was developed by Taiichi Ohno(Industrial Engineer and Businessman) for Toyota automotive in Japan. It was created as a simple planning system, the aim of which was to control and manage work and inventory at every stage of production optimally.

With Kanban, Toyota achieved a flexible and efficient just-in-time production control system that increased productivity while reducing cost-intensive inventory of raw materials, semi-finished materials, and finished products.

The goal of Kanban is to identify potential bottlenecks in your process and fix them so work can flow through it cost-effectively at an optimal speed or throughput.

How does it work?
Kanban view can be used for all CRM and task elements that have statuses (stages) - leads, deals, invoices and quotes. Here is a bit more info on the use of Kanban in Bitrix24.

since 1940
Leads and deals

Here you can see all deals and their statuses. Counters show how many deals require your attention or have tasks and activities that needs attention.

Your process is unique - that is why you can create your own Kanban with ease.

Using Kanban gives visibility to sales opportunities and supports dialogue within the sales and sales and delivery teams. Due to their visual nature, they help users identify risk areas, bottlenecks and resource availability, allowing them to optimize productivity and utilization. Get more info on the Bitrix24 site.

Tasks and projects

Kanban in Bitrix24 is created especially for projects (workgroups).

Some of the features are:
Project visualization: control flow & manage workload for each stage.
Project board organization: group task cards logically the way you need. 
Convenient project navigation: scroll, drag & drop to reorder or move project tasks to a different stage. 

Get some more info on the Bitrix24 site.

The value of using Bitrix24 as a FREE project mangement tool.
For the manager

Bitrix24 is a free online project management solution with unlimited projects, tasks and subtasks.

It comes with time tracking, task automation workflows, Gantt chart, document management and task collaboration tools, such as group chat and video conferencing. 

Time tracking

Task time tracking
Workday settings
Daily todo's
Time reports
Personal & shared calendars

project management

Unlimited projects (workgroups)
Gantt chart
Employee workload planning
Roles (Assisting, Observing, Set by me)
External users (extranet access)
Counters and notifications

Task management

Unlimited tasks
Unlimited sub-tasks
Repeating tasks
Task delegation
Task reports
Automated task workflows

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